Course curriculum

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    Toyota Production System Way Course

    • 1 Toyota Production System

    • 3 Production System

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    • 5 Operation Strategy

    • 6 Principles of Toyota Way

    • 7 Culture Behind Toyota Way

    • 8 Toyota Way in Action

    • 9 The Heart of the TPS _ Eliminating Waste

    • 10 Long Term Philosophy

    • 11 Create Continuous Flow

    • 12 Pull System

    • 13 Leveling Workload

    • 14 Standardization of Task

    • 15 Get Quality Right the First Time

    • 16 Use of Visual Control

    • 17 Use of Reliable Technology

    • 18 Role of Leaders in Manufacturing Philosophy

    • 19 Developing Exceptional Teams

    • 20 See Yourself to Understand the Situation

    • 21 Developing Decisions with Consensus

    • 22 Become a Learning Organization

    • 23 Challenge & Respect Extended Networks

    • 24 Using Toyota Way for Other Organizations (Service and Technical)

    • 25 Lean Manufacturing

    • 26 Sustainable Manufacturing - I

    • 27 Become a Learning Organization _ Continuous Improvement

    • 28 Sustainable Manufacturing - II

    • 29 Lean Vs Agile Manufacturing

    • 30 Flexible Manufacturing System

    • 31 Cultural Issues in Lean

    • 32 Benchmarking

    • 33 Overview of Lean Implementation

    • 34 The Significance of Lead Time

    • 35 Techniques to Reduce Lead Time

    • 36 Value Stream Mapping

    • 37 Kanban Approach

    • 38 Kanban Calculation - I

    • 39 Kanban Calculation - II

    • 40 Theory of Constraints

    • 41 Different Business Excellence Models