The Basis of Stoichiometry
The science of stoichiometry is possible because it rests upon the law of conservation of mass. Since matter can neither be created nor destroyed, nor can a chemical reaction transform one element into another element.
IB Chemistry Topic 1.1 Changes of state
IB Chemistry Topic 1.1 Naming covalent
IB Chemistry Topic 1.1 Polyatomic ions
IB Chemistry Topic 11 Classification of matter_480p
IB Chemistry Topic 1.1 Nature of Science_ LAW vs THEORY
IB Chemistry Topic 1 Stoichiometric relationships Topic 1.2 The mole concept SL
IB Chemistry Topic 1.1 Naming ionic compounds
IB Chemistry terminology_ Atoms, elements, compounds, molecules, formula units, mixtures
IB Chemistry Topic 1 Stoichiometric relationships Topic 1.3 Reacting masses and volumes SL
IB Chemistry Topic 1 Stoichiometric relationships Topic 1.3 Reacting masses and volumes SL (1)