Course curriculum

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    Structural Biology

    • 1 A Promo Video of Course Structural Biology

    • 2 Introduction Why to Study Structural Biology

    • 3 Introduction to Biological Macromolecules

    • 4 Introduction Decoding Biological Macromolecules

    • 5 Introduction Genome Sequencing

    • 6 Introduction Post Genomic Era

    • 7 Protein Amino acids and their properties

    • 8 Protein Protein Chemistry, Chirality, Peptide bond and Levels of protein structures

    • 9 Protein Dihedral angles, Peptide bond and Ramachandran Plot

    • 10 Introduction to Structural Biology Techniques Part I

    • 11 Introduction to Structural Biology Techniques Part II

    • 12 X-ray Crystallography Crystallization Part II

    • 13 X-ray Crystallography Crystal Mounting

    • 14 X-ray Crystallography Journey to 3D land

    • 14 X-ray Crystallography Production of X-ray and its properties

    • 15 X-ray Crystallography Crystal Symmetry

    • 16 X-ray Crystallography Instrumentation in X-ray Crystallography

    • 17 X-ray Crystallography Instrumentation in X-ray Crystallography

    • 18 X-ray Crystallography Data collection and processing

    • 19 X-ray Crystallography Data Analysis Part I

    • 20 X-ray Crystallography Data Analysis Part II

    • 21 X-ray Crystallography Phase Problem Part I

    • 22 Introduction to Spectroscopy and NMR

    • 23 Basic Principles of NMR and Instrumentation

    • 24 NMR Sample Preparation and Chemical Shift related concepts

    • 25 Factors effecting NMR Spectra (1D & 2D)

    • 26 2D & 3D NMR Spectroscopy focusing on protein structure

    • 27 Introduction to Spectroscopy

    • 28 UV-Vis and CD spectroscopy

    • 29 Fluorescence Spectroscopy and Green Fluorescence Protein (GFP)

    • 30 Infrared & Raman Spectroscopy for protein

    • 31Raman Spectroscopy, Raman Microscopy and Raman Crystallography for studying protein