Course curriculum

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    Introduction to Management

    • Dealing with Conflict Situations 1_360p

    • Leadership Model Fiedlers Contingency Theory_360p

    • Leadership Theory Lewins Force Field Analysis_480p

    • Managing Formal and Informal Groups_360p

    • Tuckmans Group Development Theory_480p

    • Belbins Team Role Model_360p

    • Management Belbins Team Roles_480p

    • Management Systems Approach Model_480p

    • Management Systems Theory_360p

    • The Hawthorne Study Elton Mayos Human Relations Theory_360p (1)

    • High Performance Working Practices HPW_480p

    • The Hawthorne Study Elton Mayos Human Relations Theory_360p

    • Conflict Resolution Methods_480p

    • Introduction to Management