Course curriculum

  • 1

    Introduction to Machine Learning

    • 1 Introduction_480p

    • 2 Different Types of Learning_480p

    • 3 Hypothesis Space and Inductive Bias_480p

    • 4 Evaluation and CrossValidation_480p

    • 5 Tutorial I_480p

    • 6 Linear Regression_480p

    • 7 Introduction to Decision Trees_480p

    • 8 Learning Decision Tree_480p

    • 9 Overfitting_480p

    • 10 Python Exercise on Decision Tree and Linear Regression_480p

    • 11Tutorial II_480p

    • 12 kNearest Neighbour_480p

    • 13 Feature Selection_480p

    • 14 Feature Extraction_480p

    • 15 Collaborative Filtering_480p

    • 16 Python Exercise on kNN and PCA_480p

    • 17 Tutorial III_480p

    • 18 Bayesian Learning_480p

    • 19 Naive Bayes_480p

    • 20 Bayesian Network_480p

    • 21 Python Exercise on Naive Bayes_480p

    • 22Tutorial IV_480p

    • 23 Logistic Regression_480p

    • 26 SVM Maximum Margin with Noise_480p

    • 24 Introduction Support Vector Machine_480p

    • 25 SVM The Dual Formulation_480p

    • 27 Nonlinear SVM and Kernel Function_480p

    • 28 SVM Solution to the Dual Problem_480p

    • 29 Python Exercise on SVM_480p

    • 30 Introduction_480p

    • 31 Multilayer Neural Network_480p

    • 32 Neural Network and Backpropagation Algorithm_480p

    • 33 Deep Neural Network_480p

    • 34 Python Exercise on Neural Network_480p

    • 35 Tutorial VI_480p

    • 36 Introduction to Computational Learning Theory_480p

    • 37 Sample Complexity Finite Hypothesis Space_480p

    • 38 VC Dimension_480p

    • 39 Introduction to Ensembles_480p

    • 40 Bagging and Boosting_480p

    • 42 Kmeans Clustering_480p

    • 43 Agglomerative Hierarchical Clustering_480p

    • 44 Python Exercise on kmeans clustering_480p