Course curriculum

  • 1

    Introducing Text Analytics

    • Building Our First Model _ Introduction to Text Analytics with R Part 4

    • Introduction to Text Analytics with R Part 1 _ Overview

    • Text Analytics Fundamentals _ Introduction to Text Analytics with R Part 2

    • VSM, LSA, & SVD _ Introduction to Text Analytics with R Part 7

    • TF-IDF _ Introduction to Text Analytics with R Part 5

    • N-grams _ Introduction to Text Analytics with R Part 6

    • Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) with R _ Introduction to Text Analytics with R Part 8

    • Model Metrics _ Introduction to Text Analytics with R Part 9

    • Cosine Similarity _ Introduction to Text Analytics with R Part 10

    • Pre-processing our test data _ Introduction to Text Analytics with R Part 11

    • Data Pipelines _ Introduction to Text Analytics with R Part 3