Course curriculum

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    Engineering Analysis

    • ME564 Lecture 1_ Overview of engineering mathematics

    • ME564 Lecture 2_ Review of calculus and first order linear ODEs

    • ME564 Lecture 6_ Matrix systems of first order equations using eigenvectors and eigenvalues

    • ME564 Lecture 10_ Examples of nonlinear systems_ particle in a potential well

    • ME564 Lecture 4_ Second order harmonic oscillator, characteristic equation, ode45 in Matlab

    • ME564 Lecture 5_ Higher-order ODEs, characteristic equation, matrix systems of first order ODEs

    • ME564 Lecture 9_ Linearization of nonlinear ODEs, 2x2 systems, phase portraits

    • ME564 Lecture 3_ Taylor series and solutions to first and second order linear ODEs

    • ME564 Lecture 8_ 2x2 systems of ODEs (with eigenvalues and eigenvectors), phase portraits

    • ME564 Lecture 7_ Eigenvalues, eigenvectors, and dynamical systems