Course curriculum

  • 1

    Business Statistics

    • Chapter 1 - An Intro to Business Statistics

    • 2.2 Displaying Quantitative Data

    • 2.4 Contingency Tables

    • 2.5 Stem and Leaf Display

    • 2.6 Scatterplots

    • 3.1 Measures of Central Tendency

    • 3.2 Measures of Variability

    • 3.3 Using the Mean and Standard Deviation Together

    • 3.4 Working with Grouped Data

    • 3.5 Measures of Relative Position

    • 3.6 Measures of Association Between Two Variables

    • 4.1 An Introduction to Probabilities

    • 4.2 Probability Rules for More than One Event

    • 4.3 Counting Principles

    • 5.1 Introduction to Discrete Probability Distributions

    • 6.2 Normal Probability Distributions

    • 6.4 Uniform Probability Distributions

    • 7.2 Types of Sampling

    • 7.4 The Central Limit Theorem

    • 7.5 The Sampling Distribution of the Proportion

    • 8.2 Confidence Intervals for the Mean, Sigma Known

    • 8.3 Confidence Intervals for the Mean, Sigma Unknown

    • 8.4 Calculating Confidence Intervals for Proportions

    • 8.5 Determining the Sample Size

    • 9.1 An Introduction to Hypothesis Testing

    • 9.2 Hypothesis Testing for thePopulation Mean when σ is Known

    • 9.3 Hypothesis Testing for the Population Mean when σ is Unknown

    • 9.4 Hypothesis Testing for the Proportion of a Population

    • IntroductoryBusinessStatistics-OP